Enterprise Resource Planning for business majors Undergraduate Badge

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are comprehensive integrated information systems that have become the most commonly used software applications in organizations.
Program Overview
This ERP badge is designed for business majors who want to take the SAP certification exam offered as a part of the SAP University Alliance Program at Seidman College of Business. Students will gain comprehensive conceptual and hands-on skills in using ERP systems on the technical side or in corporate consulting.
The badge is a stand-alone program and credits are not stackable. Students can only take the exam that best fits their needs.
What is a Badge?
A digital badge, or badge, is a record of achievement that recognizes a student's completion of a coherent and meaningful academic experience. GVSU offers both credit and noncredit-bearing badges as digital credentials. Credit-bearing badges include anywhere from 0.5 to 15 academic credits and may include additional noncredit criteria. Credit-bearing badges are also posted to the academic transcript.
Why Study ERP at Grand Valley?
- Learn the importance of common business processes and their relationship with information systems in modern companies.
- Gain knowledge of ERP systems from both a functional and transactional perspective.
- Experience how to use, analyize, and trouble-shoot using the system.
- Add highly marketable and desirable skills to your resume for potential employers, while enhancing your education.
- Badges are an efficient way to obtain a specialization and can be completed in a year.
Admissions to complete a digital badge is open to both degree and nondegree seeking students. If you are not currently a Grand Valley student, start your application here.
For current GVSU students:
- Declare your badge via myBanner. Login to Banner Self-Service, click on Student, Student Records, Add a Certificate or Badge to your Program, Select the appropriate badge from the drop down list, and click Submit.
- Speak with the appropriate badge coordinator to ensure criteria are being met. You will be able to track your progress toward the badge in myPath as well!
- Once you are done with the requirements, apply to receive the badge via myBanner.
- Once the completion of your badge has been verified, the badge will be posted to your student record and will be viewable on your transcript. In addition, your digital badge will be posted on Credly.com.
Location & Format
Students in this program study downtown on the Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids Campus.
Format:- Face To Face
The badge is comprised of three courses, a total of nine credit hours:
- MGT 351 - Enterprise Information Systems
- MGT 371 - Systems Analysis and Design
- BUS 410 - SAP TS410 Preparation
Students will learn the flow of business processes by observing and predicting the impact of various business transactions, analyze the inter-connectedness of different functional areas in organizations, execute key business processes in an ERP system, evaluate the impact of business process step in an ERP system on company operations, configure and test master data in an ERP system, and trouble shoot business process execution errors.
Helpful Links
For More Information
Seidman College of Business
50 Front
Avenue SW
(616) 331-7500