Welcome Admitted Students!

Congratulations on your acceptance to GVSU!
Wondering what's next? Review the resources linked below to learn more about your next steps related to financial aid, living and dining on campus, new student orientation, and connecting to student resources. When you're ready to commit to Grand Valley, sign up for Orientation and pay (or defer) the Orientation fee -- this is how you tell us you're ready to be a Laker for a Lifetime!
Students starting in Fall 2025
Students starting in Winter 2026
Admitted Student Resources
► Login to your Laker Portal using the personal email address and password you used to create your application.
► In your Laker Portal, find your GVSU username and a link to set up your GVSU network password.
► Sign up for an Admitted Student Event
► Sign up for Orientation and Prepare for Orientation
► Submit a Housing Application or Exemption*
► Review the Housing Checklist
► Purchase a Meal Plan
► Apply for Scholarships through myScholarships
► Complete the FAFSA
► Send updated Official ACT/SAT Test Scores for additional Merit Scholarship consideration by July 31
► Send Official Final High School Transcripts**
► Send Official AP or IB test scores***
► Consider the First-Year Learning Community
► Consider the Honors College
► Get familiar with campus safety, transportation, and parking services
► Learn more about Recreation & Wellness on campus, student health resources, and the GVSU Counseling Center
► Disability Support Resources (DSR) provides resources, education, and direct support for equal access to all programs and services at Grand Valley State University
► Connect with the Office of Student Life and the Social Justice Centers to find your community, become involved, and develop meaningful connections as a Laker
► Bookmark these campus resources; Tutoring & Reading Center, Knowledge Market, Academic Advising, Student Academic Success Center, and Career Center
► Subscribe to the Laker Weekly newsletter
► The GVSU Course Catalog is a great resource for exploring academic program requirements and course descriptions
► Get your course materials & technology from GVSU Laker Store & Laker Tech
*To submit a housing application you will need your GVSU Network ID and password. This information is provided within your Laker Portal, 48-72 hours following your admissions notification.
**Send Your Final Transcript(s) to GVSU
Contact your high school counseling office to have your final high school transcript sent to GVSU prior to the start of classes. Your final high school transcript must include your graduation date. We accept final high school transcripts through your school's electronic system, by email to [email protected] or by mail:
Grand Valley State University
Admissions & Recruitment Office
1 Campus Drive
Allendale, MI 49401
If you completed college courses at another institution, please have that school send your official transcript to GVSU as well; [email protected].
***Send AP or IB Test Scores
If applicable, send AP test scores or IB test scores to GVSU when they are made available. To learn more about how AP, IB, and CLEP scores are applied to course requirements at GVSU, visit websiteoutlok.com/cbe/.
Research shows that living in an academically focused community has a strong effect on student learning and achievement as students in LLCs connect more intentionally and naturally with peers, faculty members, and staff members. Grand Valley has a variety of living-learning communities in Allendale and Grand Rapids, each with different interest areas and themes. Visit the Living-Learning Communities page to learn more. It is not a requirement to be part of a living-learning community to live on-campus in downtown Grand Rapids.